
Soccer vs. Snooker

When I started writing this article it was my intention to emphasize the differences between soccer and snooker. This has led to an explanation why I´m following my preferred soccer team which resulted in talking about success and failure. As a conclusion I have outsourced that content which is now available here: Success as a …

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The satisfactory state of being valuable

My first article published ever in here is „Being valuable and doing what drives you“. Recently I have recognized that it deals with two topics: Valuation and drive. These two things can be the same. But that´s not necessarily the case. They can also be different. In other words, what drives you is not necessarily …

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Why social media does not work for me

Currently I´m thinking about deleting my Instagram profile. I had once created one to promote my music. For now the profile has 60 followers. Which serves as an indication on how frequently and intensively I have made use of my profile. That being said I assume the loss of my Instagram profile probably I will …

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My most uncomfortable time frame

There are a lot of studies out there dealing with humans energy capacity and how it´s distributed throughout the day. It´s commonly known that every person is different in terms of that. For example, some people wake up early and go to bed early. On the other hand there are people who prefer to wake …

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Not growing rich yet

Currently I´m going through „Think and grow rich*“ by Napoleon Hill. It´s a classic. Over 15 million copies sold worldwide. That´s what is standing on the front page. When I read the slogan for the first time I immediately asked myself: Did this book create 15 million new millionaires? Since several years I´m aware of …

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Time will pass anyway

When I started my position being an employee as part of my current team I talked to someone who was already been part of the company for several years. We started exchanging experiences and opinions. About our historic works and what will be in the future. In this relation he mentioned that he had just …

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Don’t run out of water

I read about that human beings are able to survive without oxygen for three minutes, without water for three days and without food for thirty days. There might be exceptions to that. However I assume that the listed factors are applicable for 95% of the human population. As I do not consider myself as being …

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The magical time frame of three months

It was in January 2021 when I listened to an interview. The content is still present in my mind. I was following the interview while lifting up dumbbells in my room. I had just resumed training for building up muscles again. Basically it was not my intention to spend my time with only one single …

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What to ask successful people

Several years ago I joined an event. Someone intended to talk about public relations. It was hosted within the offices of a consulting company within the business hub for startup companies in Berlin. I joined the event as I felt the need to obtain specific knowledge on how to promote myself as an artist and …

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What I write about

During my studies I dropped over a travel blog. An article of the author had been published at the online version of one of the largest German newspapers. In the interview the author had given an introduction on why he was traveling and what he had experienced so far. After reading the interview I immediately …

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