I started this blog for one reason: I felt the strong need to get things out of my mind.

So this is it. These articles are the result of my thoughts. They were thought of by me. Now they are in written. So they are real. Welcome to realthoughts.me.

What I was thinking about before writing this? What do I write about?

I have mentioned it in here: What I write about. As this article is a little bit abstract, here are at least two specific topics I´m dedicating my life to: Music and Finance. As a result, I write about both of them. These topics are surrounded by my personal willingness for self development, making own experiences, exploring the world, reflecting my own behavior and analyzing human beings. As a result, I also write about these topics.

In this context by running this blog I´m mainly motivated by the following: With every article I aspire to present my thoughts in an authentic way by additionally creating value for you. More background on this will be revealed in The satisfactory state of being valuable.

In addition, I use this blog for a collection of my creative work with music above all. Besides producing music I enjoy painting, acting, creating movies and writing.

I´m not promoting these articles or this blog in general as in daily life I´m a very reserved and modest person. For a deeper understanding, I highlighted some of my major characteristics in articles such as Why Social Media does not work for me or Why I consider my home country as a travel destination.

I warmly welcome you here. I invite you to share your thoughts via the comment function below of an article or via email (send@realthoughts.me). I will reply and keep you in my mind.

