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Korn meets Fanta 4. There is no better way to describe the sound of the song Harte Zeiten.
But that’s not all: Melodada also skillfully shake their melodic dance legs on their debut EP “Demokratie Ist Wichtig”. And lyrically, this EP is in tune with the times: On February 23rd there are federal elections. And if you’ve been looking for the right soundtrack, you’ve found it here.
With “Demokratie Ist Wichtig”, Melodada release six political songs with clear statements. Besser als ohne highlights the importance of democratic structures, while Let Me Socialize You clearly distances itself from egalitarianism and intolerance towards differences. On Hymne der Grünen, a disappointed Green voter sings about his party’s basic attitude with the hope that it will be brought back to life in the future. The most versatile song on the record is probably Oh Love Scholz, which takes a critical look at the arms deliveries surrounding the Ukraine war. The contrast between the clean guitar intro and the brutal, distorted sound later in the song skillfully bring out the ambivalence of the main character. Finally, the song I’m A Liberal One addresses the love of freedom, personal responsibility and self-determination quite unambiguously.
An EP to raise awareness of democratic conditions. An EP to counteract political disillusionment. An EP to promote the democratic center and to distance oneself from extremism of any kind.
Song lines:
“Was für ein Fehler im System man, dass man Nazis wählen kann” – song line from Harte Zeiten
“Vermiss dieses Land haben wir´s erst verloren” – song line from Besser als ohne
“Mein Kanzler bringt den Frieden auf den Weg / Mein Hamster weiß nicht wie man Krieg begeht” – song line from Oh Love Scholz