
My most uncomfortable time frame

There are a lot of studies out there dealing with humans energy capacity and how it´s distributed throughout the day. It´s commonly known that every person is different in terms of that. For example, some people wake up early and go to bed early. On the other hand there are people who prefer to wake up late and go to bed late. From both groups it´s been told that by doing so they are simply sticking to their natural behavior. Which differs among the variety of people out there. I guess it´s something that everyone is able to follow. It´s something which everyone has experienced in his or her daily life. Everyone is following his or her own rhythm.

So I focused my attention on my daily behavior to figure out on which times throughout the day I feel more energized rather than when compared to other times. I wanted to figure out my highs and lows during a day. And I have made an interesting discovery. It took me a while but it seems that it´s relatively stable. As a conclusion I have figured out a specific time frame which I consider to be my lowest one during a day. This refers to my energy level related to conscious mental work as well as my mood. It does not matter if it´s a workday or a vacation day. It´s not relevant if it´s a weekday or a day related to the weekend. It does not make any difference if it´s hot or cold outside. It does not matter if there´s sunshine outside or rainy weather. It´s always the same. The time frame which I deem to be my lowest one, I would simply say that I don´t like it. That is probably sounding like a baby speaking (I don´t like it so I don´t eat it) but it´s the first thought which is coming into my mind when thinking about that time frame.

The time frame I´m talking about is 4.30 pm until 6 pm. Usually that´s my most unpleasant and uncomfortable time period during the day. I can do whatever I want. I can eat good food during that time. I can be surrounded by nice people. It does not matter what kind of circumstances are prevailing. My greatest low throughout a day is between 4.30 pm until 6 pm. If I had the choice I would prefer to simply sleep that time frame away. However that´s difficult during the week as usually I do not leave the office before 4.30 pm. Even if, sleeping for one and a half hours during the day will likely affect falling asleep at night. So I´m aware of the fact that I have to deal with it. I have to create an environment in which that time frame will still be considered as an effective and productive time frame.

Negative influences related to that specific time frame

I guess there are several factors existing which are considered as negative influences in terms of that specific time frame. First, I assume it´s part of normal human naturalness that after working on a computer for several hours the energy level drops which automatically comes with a negative effect in terms of my mood.

Besides that usually around 4.30 pm the working day or even the day itself is coming to and end. It´s not night time yet. But getting closer to evening. Of course the evening time belongs to the entire day as well. However in this relation I prefer to separate „day“ from „evening“. So if it´s a working day now it´s the time when I will start reflecting on what I have completed on that day. As I will leave the office in a while I have to check if I completed everything which I intended to complete. If not, and if there´s still an urgent and important topic on the list, I have to hurry up which usually leads to stress. As other colleagues are doing the same thing during that time (meaning checking if they have completed their to do´s) it´s even more likely that I will receive additional emails with further tasks. Which again leads to a more stressful environment.

Third, as colleagues are starting to leave the office at that time, it requires more energy to stay focused and to work with the same efficiency when compared to earlier hours during the day. That´s mainly driven by minor conversations which are coming up in terms of what has been achieved throughout the day and what kind of topics still need to be completed. These kind of conversations sometimes can be considered as productive and necessary ones. But sometimes they are also distracting.

If I stay longer in the office than 6 pm, most colleagues have already left. So finally I can switch back to deeply focused tasks again as usually after this time it will become less distracting. In the morning hours it´s not distracting as everyone is working on his or her assigned tasks. Mostly silent. In comparison to that it can become very distracting between 4.30 and 6 pm when colleagues focus on finishing their tasks which usually leads to fast and spontaneous instructions.

Toxic environments

But still I prefer to be in the office during that time. It´s not that I´m not working during that time. It´s just that it requires more energy to work as efficient and productive as in the morning hours. Of course I could leave the office at 4.30 pm. But as mentioned above the time frame between 4.30 pm and 6 pm is not deemed as an uncomfortable one due to spending time in the office. The point is that if I will leave the office at 4.30 pm I will be surrounded by hectic car traffic and aggressive behavior as people simply want to go home. Like myself they were confronted with a demanding working day. That´s why the energy levels are reduced overall. Frustration sets itself free in traffic or at the checkout in the supermarket. I guess everyone knows about it.

I have recognized that for me it´s not fun to be exposed to that kind of what I call „aggressiveness“. As part of an ideal world I would prefer not to talk to people in general during that time frame. So during 4.30 pm and 6 pm the best thing to do is to avoid public transportation or hectic environments such as supermarkets. Situations will always be chaotic and stressful. Being exposed to these kind of environments between 4.30 pm and 6 pm is not serving me well.

So what to do between 4.30 pm and 6 pm?

As I have decided that I do not want or cannot sleep that time frame away options are reducing in terms of what to do during that time. I guess there is no need for a decision to make during weekdays as during that time I´m in the office. So related to a day off I have determined on two things with which I can fill that time frame effectively.

The one opportunity is going for sports. But it has to be a proper one. Going to the gym is not the right thing. Too many people. Too loud. Too stressful. Joining a group sports then? No. As mentioned above I prefer not to have close contact to people during that time frame. That´s why running and riding a bicycle is also deemed as difficult during that time of the day. Usually I prefer to run within the city. However as explained above during that time frame the city is not a convenient environment. So running is not a suitable option. In order to ride a bicycle during that time at least I have to leave the city. Which again means being confronted with that uncomfortable environment as I have to leave the city by bicycle.

So what´s left? What´s currently serving me well is going for swimming. The good thing is that I´m by my own. I´m not talking to anyone. If I´m swimming at the ocean or at a lake there is less or none distracting behavior caused by other people.

The second option is writing. Writing an article like the one I´m writing right now. Writing lyrics. Writing a poem. Meaning getting involved in a process where no hard decision making is required. Something where I can go with the flow. Something which requires as less conscious mental capacity or better say a conscious acting mind as possible.

Holy words

I don´t like the time frame between 4.30 pm and 6 pm. However activities such as individual sports activity within a less distracting environment such as hiking or swimming and writing I consider as suitable and useful activities on how to spend the time frame between 4.30 pm and 6 pm. In the case I worked independently by my own I would focus on organizing my day in that way that I could always go for at least one of these mentioned two activities during that time frame. Sticking to that approach would be the most efficient and effective way on how to spend that part of my day.

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